Helping you live with clarity, purpose and joy
There are two ways to get started
Individual Lessons
Sustainable change is possible with a personalized daily yoga practice, a knowledgeable and caring guide, and a community of support.
Weekly Yoga Class
Online classes offer a mix of simple yoga poses, breathing practice & guided meditation. Join live or dive into the library of recorded classes.
“My personal practice has been a source of stability, challenge and insight. I am grateful to be guided by a knowledgeable, steadfast and highly insightful teacher. Amanda’s ability to hold space, provide perspective and guide my practice has been extremely helpful.”
— Lois Anne Davis, Yoga Teacher
Benefits beyond the mat
Think quality not quantity. Every aspect of your personal practice has purpose for you. Even 15 minutes a day can have an incredible impact over time.
Life pulls you in so many directions. Yoga practice helps you tune out the noise so you can listen with full attention to what matters.
Inner Wisdom
Sometimes illness, habits or lifestyle cloud our ability to tune into our intuition and knowing. Yoga can help you recover balance so you can reconnect to your innermost self.
Yoga is about engaged living. Move through your life with healthy boundaries, ease and openness. Discover the confidence that clear thinking and seeing brings.
In-person and remote options
Our private studio is located on the Southwest side of Austin, TX. Can’t make it into the studio? No worries – we’ll meet you online.
Mentorship for Yoga professionals.
Innermost offers personal practice guidance along with mentorship for professional development, advanced yoga topics and client supervision.